1. Pranayama Benefits
2. How to do Pranayama
3. Types of Pranayama
a. Alternate Nostril Breathing
b. Kapalabathi
c. Brahmari breathing or bee breathing
d. Box breathing
e. Flower breathing
f. Finger breathing
Pranayama Benefits that remove past sins or karma
Pranayama’s benefits are numerous and tremendous. When you practice it properly, it has many health benefits. But you have to practice it religiously. Like you brush your teeth it should be followed. There must be no break.
Hindu philosophy is mainly based on karma. So we pray to nature, the sun as a god, performing cow’s pooja and Go Dhana [donating cows to eligible person], Tulasi (basil) plant and Aswath (banyan trees) are holy and auspicious. By praying sincerely we can get rid of sins. Also by doing pranayama we can get rid of our sins. Interesting is it?
Yes!!! You heard it right. It purifies our Nadi [ The nerves]. In a human being, there are 76,000 nadis. The right side has 36,000 nadis and the Left side has 36,000 nadis. While we do pranayama, our nadis get purified, and the grace of Eashwar removes the past misdeeds.
Moreover, it was said that Kowsalya Lord Rama’s Mother performed pranayama. Even in the epics, we have proof of performing pranayama. To inhale the air, first, take a deep breath as you smell a flower. Hold the breath for 5 counts and then exhale.
This you can do for every 30 seconds which helps to avoid stress. If you are held up in traffic, do not get stressed. Instead, to drive away the stress, you can practice flower breathing.
Benefits of Pranayama:
There are a lot of benefits that we were unaware of the Pranayama.
1. It removes the stress which makes us feel good.
2. It removes anxiety and wrinkles.
3. Deep breathing helps to cure insomnia
4. It develops concentration and helps us to focus on our work.
5. It calms our parasympathetic nerves.
6. It helps to reduce hypertension when practiced daily.
7. By doing it daily we can lead a disciplined life which helps us to live healthily.
8. Your skin starts to glow. [I am doing it regularly, My friends asked me the reason for glowing. ]
9. Blood sugar or diabetes is reduced considerably.
10. Pranayama helps us to lead a spiritual life.
How to do Pranayama:
Initially, pranayama should be learned from a proper teacher or guru. Though various social media posts will teach you to do pranayama, learning from an experienced person is the right way.
There are many types of Pranayama
Types of Pranayama
1. Alternate Nostril breathing
2. Kapalbhati
3. Bhramari
4. Right nostril breathing
5. Left nostril breathing.
6. Box breathing.
7. Flower breathing.
8. Finger breathing.
When to Practice Pranayama
Pranayama should be practiced during the early morning [ 4.30 a.m. to 6.00 a.m.]. It helps to purify your mind and cures anxiety, stress, depression, and hypertension.
Alternate Nostril Breathing:
Sit erect. Your spine should be straight. You can sit on the floor if possible or sit in a chair. If you are sitting down place a yoga mat or towel. Otherwise, your energy is absorbed by the floor. To start with, chant “om” and close your eyes. Then fold your index and ring finger. Let the thumb, ring, and pink finger extended and straight. Take a deep breath, close your right nostril with your thumb finger, and inhale with your left nostril. Then hold your left nostril with a ring finger and exhale with your right nostril. You can keep the count inhale 7 and exhale 8. If the exhaling is extended it is good. Do 5 or 7 rounds. Alternate breathing keeps you relaxed, and feel fresh. Holding in between inhaling and exhaling is a good start. Beginners must learn from an experienced person or guru. The holding count can be 5. Holding of breath is called kumbak.
It helps to reduce weight and blood sugar. In Kapalbhati inhale with both nostrils and exhale through both nostrils. There is no holding of breath. Exhalation should be fast. It is better to learn from a skilled person.
Pranayama helps to control your mind and thoughts. Pregnant ladies are not supposed to do any mudra except Bhramari. But seek advice from the doctor before doing it. It controls an agitated mind. It has a lot of benefits. Even Alzheimer’s is prevented by doing this pranayama.
Box breathing
Box breathing helps to cure insomnia. It is also called square breathing. Inhale with the count of four, hold for four counts exhale for four counts, and hold the breath for four counts. you can practice box breathing before sleep or evening. Even if you awake at midnight or in the middle of sleep, box breathing helps. It controls unnecessary thoughts and aids in making you sleep.
Moreover, box breathing is helpful for the army, and defense people. They must be awake in odd hours and sleep when time permits them. so they practice box breathing which is helpful for them.
Flower Breathing
Beginners can start with flower breathing. Initially, it is difficult to do abdominal breathing. Generally, you are used for shallow breathing which causes stress, illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, insomnia, etc.,
Try to inhale as if you smell like a flower and exhale with relaxation. While inhaling think you are inhaling the flower and while exhaling your breath with relax mode. You can have 5 inhale and 5 exhale in the beginning.
Seniors citizens, and old age people, can practice flower breathing. Then start to practice other types of breathing.
Finger Breathing
Breathing exercise does not require any tools or aid to practice breathing. You should be conscious of your breathing. Finger breathing is very easy to practice. When your boss or anyone scolds you or insults you, you can do finger breathing. Just observe each finger and start to breathe. Thumb finger – Inhale, index – Exhale, Middle finger -Inhale, Ring finger -Exhale, Pink finger – Inhale. You stay cool and no stress for you. You need not get into an argument or fight. Just observing your finger and breathing makes you stay cool.
I practice box breathing when I get interrupted sleep. Then will go back to sleep within 15 minutes. If I am stressed I do flower breathing. But if anyone scolds or insults me then I do finger breathing. But the opponent does not know what is going on in my mind. I stay cool and relaxed. But do not tell my boss. just for fun.
Please comment on what type of breathing you are practicing.
Note: Online Pranayama classes available at Flexible timings.
For more details contact: +91 9791038309